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Showing posts from April, 2022

Setting up Calibre Web on Raspbery Pi

Install Calibre Web Install pip and also venv for the python version: $ sudo apt install python3-pip python3-venv Go to the folder where you want to install Calibre-Web, e.g. /opt/calibre-web Create virtual environment for calibre web in folder venv $ python3 -m venv venv Install dependencies by running  $ ./venv/python3 -m pip install --system -r requirements.txt Download and extract Calibre-Web into the current folder (in this example /opt/calibre-web, need to create this directory tree) $ pip install calibreweb Starting Calibre Web To start Calbre Web manually execute the command: $ cps To open Calibre Web web application open your web browser and enter the URL http://<server>:8083 where <server> is either the host name or the ip address of the server running Calibre Web. Login with default admin login Username: admin   Password: admin123 Configuring Calibre Web Set the location of the Calibre database to the path of the folder where the Calibre library (metadata.db) res