Background This article describes the steps necessary for integrating a NUT installation on a Raspberry Pi into openHAB for a GreenCell USB UPS. For setting up NUT on a Raspberry Pi see here . Install openHAB Network UPS Binding For details of the Binding see openHAB documentation here . Log into the openHAB Web Console as Administrator. Click on Settings: Select Bindings: Select the Binding "Network UPS", you may need to click on "Show xxx More" in the list under the heading " openHAB Distribution" : Click on "INSTALL" (here is shown "REMOVE" as I already installed it). Once the binding has been installed click on Things: Click on the Add icon in the bottom right hand corner of the page: Click on "Network UPS Tool" in the list of "Choose Binding": Click on "Network UPS Tool Thing" in the list of " Add a new Thing: networkupstools ": In the following screen input values for "Location...
Moaning old man fiddling with IT stuff!